Experiment management

In lumo, theExperimentclass provides sufficient guarantees to ensure experiment reproducibility. Specifically,Experimentguarantees reproducibility from four perspectives: path management, version control, parameter recording, and backup. It also simplifies the operation threshold through visual panels, command-line interfaces, and other methods.

Path Management

To ensure that paths are not duplicated,Experimentassigns a unique experiment ID (test_name) to each experiment run. At the same time,Experimentprovides three different types of data storage paths for storing information (info_dir), binary files (blob_dir), and temporary files (cache_dir), with the following path relationships:

- <cache_root>
    - <exp_name>
        - <cache_dir>

- <info_root>
    - <exp_name>
        - <info_dir>

- <blob_root>
    - <exp_name>
        - <blob_dir>

Version Control

The lifecycle ofExperimentincludes start/progress/end, and a series ofExpHookclasses are set up to perform partial operations at each lifecycle stage. Among them,~lumo.exp.exphook.GitCommitis responsible for git commit, which checks for file changes aton_startand submits a snapshot of the current file to thelumo_experimentsbranch if changes exist. The commit information corresponding to the current code is recorded in theinfo_dirof theExperimentinstance and can be viewed throughexp.properties['git'].

Information Recording

Information recording includes startup parameters such as hyperparameters and program execution parameters, runtime and post-run parameters such as Metric, execution time, and other metadata. All information mentioned except for hyperparameters is automatically recorded byExperimentat.start(). The hyperparameters of the experiment can be recorded byexp.dump_info('params', params_dict).

When usinglumo.Trainerfor training, hyperparameters used are automatically recorded in theparamskey.

For Metric, theExperimentinstance can be recorded using.dump_metricand.dump_metrics(), for example:

max_acc = exp.dump_metric("acc",acc, "cls_acc", cls_acc)

Here shows an example in exp.properties

{'agent': nan,
 'backup': {'23-03-17-161847': {'backend': 'github',
                                'number': 4,
                                'repo': 'sailist/image-classification'}},
 'deprecated': nan,
 'exception': nan,
 'execute': {'cwd': '~/python/image-classification-private',
             'exec_argv': ['train_ssl.py',
             'exec_bin': '~/miniconda3/bin/python3',
             'exec_file': 'train_ssl.py',
             'repo': '~/python/image-classification-private'},
 'exp_name': 'simclr.simclrexp',
 'git': {'commit': '294ccdac',
         'dep_hash': '404fc6044b2119d56a5e8b92ac02fc1c',
         'repo': '~/python/image-classification-private'},
 'hooks': {'Diary': {'loaded': True, 'msg': ''},
           'FinalReport': {'loaded': True, 'msg': ''},
           'GitCommit': {'loaded': True, 'msg': ''},
           'LastCmd': {'loaded': True, 'msg': ''},
           'LockFile': {'loaded': True, 'msg': ''},
           'RecordAbort': {'loaded': True, 'msg': ''}},
 'lock': {'accelerate': '0.16.0',
          'decorator': '5.1.1',
          'fire': '0.5.0',
          'hydra': '1.3.1',
          'joblib': '1.2.0',
          'lumo': '0.15.0',
          'numpy': '1.24.2',
          'omegaconf': '2.3.0',
          'psutil': '5.9.4',
          'torch': '1.8.1+cu101',
          'torch.version.cuda': '10.1'},
 'note': '',
 'params': {'apply_mixco': False,
            'apply_unmix': False,
            'config': 'config/ssl/simclr/cifar100.yaml',
            'dataset': 'cifar100',
            'detach_cls': True,
            'device': 2,
            'ema': True,
            'ema_alpha': 0.99,
            'epoch': 1000,
            'eval': {'batch_size': 512,
                     'num_workers': 8,
                     'pin_memory': True,
                     'shuffle': True},
            'feature_dim': 128,
            'hidden_feature_size': 128,
            'knn': True,
            'knn_k': 200,
            'knn_t': 0.1,
            'linear_eval': False,
            'lr_decay_end': 0.0005,
            'method': 'simclr',
            'model': 'wrn282',
            'module': 'simclr',
            'more_sample': True,
            'n_classes': 100,
            'optim': {'lr': 0.06,
                      'momentum': 0.9,
                      'name': 'SGD',
                      'weight_decay': 0.0005},
            'pretrain_path': None,
            'scan': 'ssl-2023.02.28',
            'seed': 1,
            'semi_eval': False,
            'stl10_unlabeled': True,
            'temperature': 0.1,
            'test': {'batch_size': 512,
                     'num_workers': 8,
                     'pin_memory': True,
                     'shuffle': False},
            'train': {'batch_size': 512,
                      'num_workers': 8,
                      'pin_memory': True,
                      'shuffle': True},
            'train_ending': 10,
            'train_linear': True,
            'train_strategy': 'ending',
            'warmup_epochs': 0,
            'warmup_from': 0.01,
            'with_bn': False},
 'pinfo': {'hash': '62ee6de98b381872e200e82901ad51f7',
           'obj': {'argv': ['~/miniconda3/bin/python3',
                   'pid': 27687,
                   'pname': 'python3',
                   'pstart': 1678763482.5},
           'pid': 27687},
 'progress': {'finished': False,
              'last_edit_time': '23-03-14-212932',
              'ratio': 1.0,
              'start': '23-03-14-111124',
              'update_from': None},
 'rerun': {'from': '230313.015.99t', 'repeat': 1},
 'test_name': '230314.000.a3t',

Retrieve Experiment

Watchconsolidates information for all experiments, allowing users to search for a specific experiment.

from lumo import Watcher, Experiment

w = Watcher()
df = w.load() # all experiments

exp = Experiment.from_cache(df.iloc[0].to_dict())

For a known experiment withtest_name, theExperimentinstance can be directly retrieved using theretrievemethod:

>>> Experiment(info_dir=".../.lumo/experiments/moco.mocoexp/230306.012.d5t")

Visual Panel

A fixed-style panel can never satisfy everyone’s needs. Therefore, lumo provides dynamic panels based on pandas and panel, with all styles except for a few fixed parts added by the user:

from lumo import Watcher
w = Watcher()
df = w.load()

... filter operations ...

new_df = ...


Repetitive Experiment

Repetitive experiments mainly occur in two scenarios:

  • To verify the stability of the results, rerun the experiment with other random seeds and the same parameters.

  • In the middle of the experiment, due to memory, disk space, or other reasons, the experiment failed and needs to be rerun with similar parameters.

Especially when scanning parameters, if only